Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Russian submarine tragedy that caused by smoking

Russian submarine incident sketch of the process: the two doors in the event of a fire alarm had been closed and the release of freon, at this time there were two indoor tank 41
November 8, Russia, "Akula II" class "Cheetah" attack submarines as a result of the illegal system to start the fire, leading to the 20 on board were released from the fire caused the death of freon gas. There are currently 21 persons killed and one injured died in hospital. Russian newspaper revealed that the accident was likely caused by smoking, but why the victims did not wear oxygen masks, which become a major doubt. According to the Russian "Komsomolskaya Pravda" on November 10 delivered a speech entitled "on board the death of 20 people, wearing gas masks?" The article said that after the accident all the Russian people are concerned about the tense situation in the tense things: part of the Tranquilizer eat, drink some vodka. They all think of the pain in the same issue: Is it also a "Kursk." The article said that the reactor compartment and the main work of the cabin in good condition and received no damage than the "Kursk" to be lucky. But here the "lucky" the wisdom of the word also is open to question: can sail their own "Cheetah", carrying 20 naval engineers and the return of the bodies of the port, they were suffocated. Shipbuilding engineers introduced an interview with the reporter to tell the two could lead to tragedy: a nuclear submarine in the thermal sensor failure, the cabin temperature to increase slightly on the arrival of its standard fire alarm in order to start the fire-extinguishing system. Second, it was smoking in cabins, the new device can have a smoke on the instantaneous response has been, after the door is locked, freon consumes oxygen, resulting in the death of staff. Why did not the crew put on oxygen masks of the doubt, the engineers said that the police may be delayed, may be no direct report to the police to release the freon. The latter seems to have a proven, one expert said in an interview: "In the absence of fire cases is not directly start the fire alarm system, that is to say the police did not voice will be heard. Those at the second compartment, inhalation The only less gas escaped death. Russian maritime technology expert Igor Yila Li said that even if the police have also grabbed the robbery is difficult, because there are not too many professional training of non-military personnel, they will not have enough time ran out. According to the manual, the alarm once the alarm, all operators should be immediately put on personal breathing devices, did not rule out non-military personnel in the absence of the equipment, even if they may not be used. In addition, the report also accused the nuclear submarine accident overloading travel, the time of the accident that there are 208 nuclear submarines, of which there are 81 Russian officers and sailors, and the preparation of the submarine normally rated only 73 people. Reported that the trip along with the staff but also those of its delivery to India's Ministry of National Defense Committee. The article implied that said: "The (officials) choose to leave on the sea, it is to be delivered in a hurry?"
11月8日,俄“阿库拉 II”级“猎豹”号攻击型核潜艇因消防系统非法启动,导致 20名该船上人员被释放出的灭火气体氟利昂造成窒息而死。现共有21名遇难人员,另有一名受伤人员在医院不治身亡。俄报披露,此次事故有可能是有人吸烟造成,但遇难者为什么有氧气面罩而没有戴,这成为主要疑团。